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A Word on Covenant Baptism

Baptizing babies and young children may seem strange to you. But there are very good reasons for doing it.
We baptize them because God told Abraham in Genesis 17 that his promises were to him and his offspring. We baptize them because God always includes children in the number of his people (in the Old and New Covenant). We baptize them because Jesus said, “Let little children come to me because such is the Kingdom of God.” We baptize them because Peter said that God’s promises are “to you and your children” and throughout Acts the entire households of Lydia, the Philippian jailer and others were baptized. We baptize them because Paul said that baptism has replaced circumcision as the sign of God’s covenant. We baptize them because God our Father is also the God and Father of our children. They belong, with us who believe, to the membership of the Church through the covenant made in Christ and confirmed to us by God in this sacrament. Most in the church already intuitively count the children in the church as Christians. That’s why we pray with them and teach them the Bible.
But there’s more...
We baptize them because looking at the Christian church around the globe over 90% of professing Christians-that’s two billion people- baptize their children. When looking throughout Church history we see this percentage goes even higher! We understand this may be strange but there are good reasons for baptizing children. If you would like to know more about this practice consider reading Covenant Baptism by Jason Helopoulus.